Biology, Demography and Ecology
- Biodiversity, Community Structure, and Functional Role
- Biogeography and Macroevolution
- Ecosystem Dynamics and Food Webs
- Coral Taxonomy, Systematics, and Phylogenetics (dedicated to Steven Cairns)
- Genetics, Connectivity and Evolution
- Life History Characteristics, Reproduction and Larval ecology
- Experimental Coral Biology
- Microbial Community Associations and Interactions
Habitat and Environmental Settings
- Environmental habitat conditions and coral distribution
- Hydrodynamics and food supply
- Habitat characterization, mapping, GIS applications
Oceans Past/Future and Climate Change
- Corals and Climate Change
- Paleooceanography
- Climate records from deep-sea corals, mounds and reefs
- Reef and Mound structures in time and space
Anthropogenic Threats, Management and Conservation Policy and Protection Strategies
- Natural and Anthropogenic Threats and Impacts
- Fisheries and deep-sea corals
- Predictive Habitat Mapping and Modeling
- Marine Protected Areas
- Management and Conservation strategies
New Technologies and Techniques