Over the last decade, the global knowledge of deep-sea cold-water coral ecosystems has greatly expanded. The 6th International Symposium on Deep-Sea Corals will bring together new developments and knowledge through a range of themes and topics that will include:
Biology, Demography and Ecology
Biodiversity, Community Structure, and Functional Role
Biogeography and Macroevolution
Ecosystem Dynamics and Food Webs
Coral Taxonomy, Systematics, and Phylogenetics (dedicated to Steve Cairns)
Genetics, Connectivity and Evolution
Life History Characteristics, Reproduction and Larval ecology
Experimental Coral Biology
Microbial Community Associations and Interactions
New Technologies and Techniques
Habitat and Environmental Settings
Environmental habitat conditions and coral distribution
Hydrodynamics and food supply
Habitat characterization, mapping, GIS applications
New Technologies and Techniques
Oceans Past/Future and Climate Change
Corals and Climate Change
Climate records from deep-sea corals, mounds and reefs
Reef and Mound structures in time and space
New Technologies and Techniques
Threats, Management and Conservation Policy Strategies
Anthropogenic threats and impacts
Management and conservation strategies
Role of Marine Protected Areas and Reserves
Use of predictive habitat mapping and protected area design
New Technologies and Techniques